The entire world is going through a transformation and if you want to grow you will need to become more customer centric than ever before. The recipe for success used to be simple: start with a great product. Today, you need to think in terms of customer, needs, wishes and expectations.
Develop a remarkable and profitable customer experience
Very often organisations have a lot of insights on their customers, but they’re unable to translate it into value for their organisation. We use Service Design techniques to help you with that, so that we come to solutions which add value for your customers and your organisation.
Customer Journey and Persona
Customer journeys and personas help you to better understand the customer. They provide a wealth of insights into the needs and frustrations of your customers, and the channels they use. These two tools are often used as the foundation for improvement- and innovationprojects because they are so easy to understand.
We generate insights on the customer and use these to develop value propositions. We ensure your colleagues are ready to change and create value in a matter of days.
We generate insights on the customer and use these to develop value propositions. The design is an iterative and on-going process that we launch in just two workshops.
We prepare your colleagues to change
The participants get more details on the agenda, the goal of the workshops and the result they can expect. We make sure that they have a good understanding of the Value Proposition Canvas, so that they are eager to start working on it with the right state of mind. It’s just as much change management as it is value creation.
Workshop 1: Observe – Customer Profile
We map the customer during the first 4-hour workshop. For this we use one or two different types of customers. We walk your colleagues through the Business Model & Value Proposition Canvas and inspire them with some examples. Afterwards they start working on the customer profile themselves by developing a better customer understanding through facilitated exercises.
Workshop 2: Design – Value map
In our second 4-hour workshop we create value propositions, which add value for the customer and the organisation. We reflect on how we can develop “pain relievers” and “gain creators”, validate the customer profile and fill out the Value Map. We help you embed it into your own activities when we evaluate the Value Proposition we’ve created.
Getting to new ideas in three days is what we do in our Concept Shaping workshop. At the end you have a prototype of your new service, product or innovation.
Our Design Sprint helps you develop and validate a new service or product in just five days. We make it tangible and test it so that you can have instant feedback form your customers.
We bring innovations to life in a very structured way. We dive in as a cross-functional team and build prototypes, test them and validate them with the customer.
Our Design Sprints help organisations to pinpoint specific problems and identify the first steps to tackle them. We offer three kinds of sprints: A 1-day Ideation Workshop, a 3-day Concept Shaping and a 5-day Design Sprint.
Ideation Workshop: 1 day
This day is entirely focussing on the discovery of the problem that you encounter. We come up with ideas and solutions that help you tackle the challenge.
Morning – your current situation In the morning we map your current state and we make time to properly describe your customers and their interactions with your organization.
We then examine your business challenges and determine what we will focus on during the ideation.
Afternoon – working out ideas In the afternoon we define answers to your challenges based on a set of highly effective and structured exercises.
We then further develop the ideas and validate these solutions based on a set of criteria that are useful for your organization.
Concept Shaping: 3 days
Day 1 – Understand The first day we try to understand the customer and the problem. Key components that day are:
Stakeholder mapping
Co-created persona
Current user journey
Challenge statement
Day 2 – Ideate During the second day, we develop new ideas based on insights, best practices and creative techniques. That day we work with:
Lightning demos (inspiration from different angles)
Concept cards
Day 3 – Shape We use the third day to detail the final concept and to determine what the prototype will look like. At the end of the day, we have:
Future user journey
Described prototype
Design Sprint: 5 days
Day 1 – Understand During the first day, we determine as accurately as possible what the goal is, we expose the challenges and limitations. We use internal knowledge and customer feedback.
Day 2 – Ideate We use the second day to develop as many new ideas as possible based on our insights that can solve the problem.
Day 3 – Shape On the third day we bring all ideas back to their essence and determine which concepts show the most potential.
Day 4 – Prototype On day 4 we build a prototype of the product or service. Everything revolves around making the idea tangible in the simplest, cheapest and fastest way.
Day 5 – Testing On the last day of the Design Sprint programme, we test the prototypes with various users and customers.
Would you like to generate insights with a Customer Journey & Persona Workshop or a Value Proposition Workshop? Do you want to translate insights into new products or services with an Ideation Workshop, Concept Shaping Workshop or full Design Sprint?